
Bases: Dataset

Paired image dataset for image restoration.

Read LQ (Low Quality, e.g. LR (Low Resolution), blurry, noisy, etc) and GT image pairs.

There are three modes: 1. ‘lmdb’: Use lmdb files.

If opt[‘io_backend’] == lmdb.

  1. ‘meta_info’: Use meta information file to generate paths.

    If opt[‘io_backend’] != lmdb and opt[‘meta_info’] is not None.

  2. ‘folder’: Scan folders to generate paths.

    The rest.


opt (dict) –

Config for train datasets. It contains the following keys: dataroot_gt (str): Data root path for gt. dataroot_lq (str): Data root path for lq. meta_info (str): Path for meta information file. io_backend (dict): IO backend type and other kwarg. filename_tmpl (str): Template for each filename. Note that the template excludes the file extension.

Default: ‘{}’.

gt_size (int): Cropped patched size for gt patches. use_hflip (bool): Use horizontal flips. use_rot (bool): Use rotation (use vertical flip and transposing h

and w for implementation).

scale (bool): Scale, which will be added automatically. phase (str): ‘train’ or ‘val’.